Attributes { Y { Float32 pointwidth 0.25; String standard_name "latitude"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "degree_north"; } X { Float32 pointwidth 0.25; String standard_name "longitude"; Int32 gridtype 1; String units "degree_east"; } T { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; Int32 expires 1735689600; String calendar "standard"; String standard_name "time"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "julian_day"; } prcp { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String standard_name "lwe_precipitation_rate"; Float32 missing_value -9999.0; String units "mm/day"; String long_name "precipitation"; Int32 expires 1735689600; String colormap "13882323", "16777215", "16777215", "16777184", "6", "15453831", "6", "16748574", "14", "13434880", "18", "4026644", "24", "7451452", "21", "9419919", "43", "9234160", "44", "6333684", "41", "2237106", "43", "2237106"; Float32 CE 100.0; Float32 CS 0.0; Int32 ncolor 254; String colorscalename "prcp_dailyrate_max100_smooth"; Float32 scale_max 100.0; Int32 maxncolor 254; Float32 scale_min 0.0; } NC_GLOBAL { String references "Funk_etal2014"; String history "created by Climate Hazards Group"; String creator_email ""; String reference "Funk, C.C., Peterson, P.J., Landsfeld, M.F., Pedreros, D.H., Verdin, J.P., Rowland, J.D., Romero, B.E., Husak, G.J., Michaelsen, J.C., and Verdin, A.P., 2014, A quasi-global precipitation time series for drought monitoring: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 832, 4 p., "; String documentation ""; String date_created "2015-02-19"; String creator_name "Pete Peterson"; String title "CHIRPS Version 2.0"; String website ""; String institution "Climate Hazards Group. University of California at Santa Barbara"; Int32 expires 1735689600; String ftp_url ""; String acknowledgements "The Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations development process was carried out through U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cooperative agreement #G09AC000001 \"Monitoring and Forecasting Climate, Water and Land Use for Food Production in the Developing World\" with funding from: U.S. Agency for International Development Office of Food for Peace, award #AID-FFP-P-10-00002 for \"Famine Early Warning Systems Network Support,\" the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Applied Sciences Program, Decisions award #NN10AN26I for \"A Land Data Assimilation System for Famine Early Warning,\" SERVIR award #NNH12AU22I for \"A Long Time-Series Indicator of Agricultural Drought for the Greater Horn of Africa,\" The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration award NA11OAR4310151 for \"A Global Standardized Precipitation Index supporting the US Drought Portal and the Famine Early Warning System Network,\" and the USGS Land Change Science Program."; URL USGS Data Series 832 ""; URL source ""; URL CHIRPS Home Page ""; String version "Version 2.0"; String Conventions "IRIDL"; String faq ""; String note "IMPORTANT NOTE: As of 24 April 2015, all daily CHIRPS 2.0 data from year 2000 onward available in the Data Library were removed and new data requests for that period will access data reprocessed by the UCSB Climate Hazards Group. The reprocessing corrects a problem found in daily CHIRPS for the CPC-IR time period, 2000 – present. There was a problem creating the daily percent cold cloud duration (percent CCD) map used in the downscaling. Places with missing IR data were set to zero instead of missing. Anywhere this happened, the precipitation was set to zero. This was always a problem for Eastern Australia/Indonesia/Japan, where a gap between two geostationary satellites exists. There were a small number of times this problem occurred outside of these particular areas."; } }