This dataset has bytes (5.6327501E08 537.18091MB) of data in it,
which should give you a rough idea of the size of any file that you
ask for.
Partial Information Formats
These files contain only some of the available metadata. |
Columnar Table
A table with separate columns of numbers for each independent variable (i.e., grids) and for the data.
This is an inefficient format, so you would have gotten a file for dataset of this size.
This file will be approximately -1478592256 bytes, with
5 columns of 140818752 numbers.
2-Dimensional Tab-Separated Tables
- Y X Table
- P X Table
- X Y Table
- P Y Table
- X P Table
- Y P Table
Tab-separated-values (tsv) file with information about the independent variables (i.e., grids).
The list to the left allows you to specify the format of the table. Note: The variable running across the t |