Independent Variables (Grids)
Time (time) | grid: /T (months since 1960-01-01) ordered (Jan 1949) to (Aug 2014) by 1.0 N= 788 pts :grid
Longitude (longitude) | grid: /X (degree_east) periodic (0) to (2.5W) by 2.5 N= 144 pts :grid
Latitude (latitude) | grid: /Y (degree_north) ordered (90N) to (90S) by 2.5 N= 73 pts :grid
Kalnay, E., M. Kanamitsu, R. Kistler, W. Collins, D. Deaven, L. Gandin, M. Iredell, S. Saha, G. White, J. Woollen, Y. Zhu, A. Leetmaa, B. Reynolds, M. Chelliah, W. Ebisuzaki, W. Higgins, J. Janowiak, K. C. Mo, C. Ropelewski, J. Wang, R. Jenne, and D. Joseph. The NCEP/NCAR 40-Year Reanalysis Project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, March, 1996