NOAA NCEP-NCAR CDAS-1 MONTHLY Intrinsic PressureLevel CBUW anomalies climatology Data Files

This dataset has bytes (5971968 5.6953125MB) of data in it, which should give you a rough idea of the size of any file that you ask for.

Download Data To Specific Software

ingridThe Postscript-based software on which the Data Library is built.
CPTClimate Predictability Tool More information
ferretInteractive computer visualization and analysis software. More information
GrADSGrid Analysis and Display System More information
matlabData analysis and visualization software. More information
NCLNCAR Command Language More information
WinDispA public domain software package for the display and analysis of satellite images, maps and associated databases, with an emphasis on early warning for food security. More information

Other Available File Formats

Full Information Formats
These files contain all of the available metadata.
OPeNDAP A system which downloads data directly to software, such as matlab, Ferret, GrADS, etc. Specific instructions are available in the table above. Note: OPeNDAP was formerly known as DODS (Distributed Oceanographic Data System). More Information
netCDF (network Common Data Form) A commonly supported self-describing data format. More Information

Partial Information Formats
These files contain only some of the available metadata.
Columnar Table A table with separate columns of numbers for each independent variable (i.e., grids) and for the data. This is an inefficient format, so you would have gotten a HUGE file for dataset of this size. This file will be approximately 29859840 bytes, with 5 columns of 1492992 numbers.
2-Dimensional Tab-Separated Tables
Y X Table
P X Table
X Y Table
P Y Table
X P Table
Y P Table
Tab-separated-values (tsv) file with information about the independent variables (i.e., grids). The list to the left allows you to specify the format of the table. Note: The variable running across the top of the table (identifing columns) is listed first and the variable running down the side of the table (identifing rows) is listed second.
GIS-Compatible Formats
There are three GIS-compat