Attributes { zlev { Int32 pointwidth 0; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "meters"; } X { String standard_name "longitude"; Float32 pointwidth 2.0; String long_name "longitude"; Int32 gridtype 1; String units "degree_east"; } T { String standard_name "time"; Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String calendar "360"; Int32 expires 1738454400; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "months since 1960-01-01"; } Y { String standard_name "latitude"; Float32 pointwidth 2.0; String long_name "latitude"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "degree_north"; } T_01 { String standard_name "time"; Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String calendar "360"; Int32 expires 1738454400; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "months since 1960-01-01"; } anom { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; Float32 valid_min -12.0; String units "degree_Celsius"; Float32 valid_max 12.0; String long_name "Extended reconstructed SST anomalies"; Float32 missing_value -999.0; String standard_name "sea_surface_temperature"; String iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:SeaSurfaceTemperatureAnomaly"; Int32 expires 1738454400; String colormap "null", "12632256", "8388608", "16711680", "66", "16760576", "43", "15453831", "16", "13959039", "13959039", "7", "64636", "65535", "4", "36095", "24", "255", "31", "128", "60", "128", "7", "2763429"; Float32 scale_max 4.1999998; Float32 scale_min -4.1999998; String colorscalename "sstacolorscale"; Int32 maxncolor 254; Float32 CE 4.1999998; Float32 CS -4.1999998; Int32 ncolor 254; } IOD{ C1991-2020{ iod { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String standard_name "sea_surface_temperature"; String iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:SeaSurfaceTemperature"; Float32 file_missing_value -999.0; Float32 missing_value NaN; String units "degree_Celsius"; Int32 expires 1738454400; String history "mean [ NOAA NCDC ERSST version5 sst anomalies ]", "Averaged over T2[1991, 2020] minimum 0.0% data present", "Averaged over X[49E, 71E] Y[11S, 11N] minimum 0.0% data present", "mean [ NOAA NCDC ERSST version5 sst anomalies ]", "Averaged over T2[1991, 2020] minimum 0.0% data present", "Averaged over X[89E, 111E] Y[11S, 1N] minimum 0.0% data present"; String long_name "Indian Ocean Dipole 1991-2020"; String colormap "null", "12632256", "8388608", "16711680", "66", "16760576", "43", "15453831", "16", "13959039", "13959039", "7", "64636", "65535", "4", "36095", "24", "255", "31", "128", "60", "128", "7", "2763429"; String colorscalename "sstacolorscale"; Int32 maxncolor 254; Int32 ncolor 254; Float32 scale_max 2.0; Float32 scale_min -2.0; Int32 CE 2; Int32 CS -2; } } } sst { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; Float32 valid_min -3.0; String units "Celsius_scale"; Float32 valid_max 45.0; String long_name "Extended reconstructed sea surface temperature"; Float32 missing_value -999.0; String standard_name "sea_surface_temperature"; String iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:SeaSurfaceTemperature"; Int32 expires 1738454400; } NC_GLOBAL { String platform "Ship and Buoy SSTs from ICOADS R3.0 and NCEP GTS"; Float32 geospatial_lon_min -1.0; String publisher_email ""; String processing_level "NOAA Level 4"; Int32 expires 1738454400; String description "ERSST.v5: Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature Dataset, Version 5."; String geospatial_lon_units "degrees_east"; String license "No constraints on data access or use"; Float32 geospatial_lat_resolution 2.0; Float32 geospatial_lat_max 89.0; String comment "SSTs were observed by conventional thermometers in Buckets (insulated or un-insulated canvas and wooden buckets), Engine Room Intakers, or floats and drifters"; String creator_email ""; String institution "NOAA/NESDIS/NCEI/CCOG"; String creator_url ""; String keywords_vocabulary "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords"; URL ERSSTv5 source ""; String cdm_data_type "Grid"; String instrument "Conventional thermometers"; String keywords "Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature >"; String publisher_name "Boyin Huang"; URL ERSSTv5 Description ""; String product_version "Version 5"; String title "NOAA ERSSTv5 (in situ only)"; Float32 geospatial_lon_max 359.0; Float32 geospatial_lat_min -89.0; String geospatial_lat_units "degrees_north"; String references "Huang_etal2017"; String spatial_resolution "2.0 degree grid"; String source "In situ data: ICOADS R3.0 before 2015, NCEP in situ GTS from 2016 to present, and Argo SST from 1999 to present. Ice data: HadISST2 ice before 2015, and NCEP ice after 2015."; URL ERSSTv5 Documentation ""; String standard_name_vocabulary "CF Standard Name Table (v40, 25 January 2017)"; String summary "ERSST.v5 is developed based on v4 after revisions of 8 parameters using updated data sets and advanced knowledge of ERSST analysis"; String naming_authority "gov.noaa.ncei"; String Conventions "CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3"; String creator_name "Boyin Huang"; String climatology "Climatology is based on 1971-2000 SST, Xue, Y., T. M. Smith, and R. W. Reynolds, 2003: Interdecadal changes of 30-yr SST normals during 1871.2000. Journal of Climate, 16, 1601-1612."; String metadata_link ""; String project "NOAA Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST)"; String Metadata_Conventions "CF-1.6, Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0"; Float32 geospatial_lon_resolution 2.0; Int32 IOD.expires 1738454400; String IOD.description "Indian Ocean Dipole"; Int32 IOD.C1991-2020.expires 1738454400; } }