Attributes { X { String standard_name "longitude"; Float32 pointwidth 0.05; String long_name "Longitude"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "degree_east"; } T { String calendar "360"; Float32 pointwidth 0.3333335; Float32 modulo -1.0; Float32 modulus -1.0; Int32 gridtype 1; String units "days since 1981-01-01"; } Y { String standard_name "latitude"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "degree_north"; } rfe { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String colorscalename "prcp_dailyrate_max100_smooth"; Float32 file_missing_value -99.0; String long_name "Dekadal rainfall climatology 1981-2010 average"; Int32 maxncolor 254; Int32 ncolor 23; String colormap "null", "16777215", "15794175", "11394815", "12180223", "3195135", "55295", "65535", "3145645", "65407", "65280", "13959039", "16776960", "13749760", "16760576", "16748574", "16711680", "13434880", "9125192", "14822282", "13850042", "16711935", "16711935"; String units "mm"; String history "KMD Kenya_v03 dekadal climatologies rfe", "Boxes with less than 0.0% dropped", "Averaged over T2[0.5, 1080.5] minimum 0.0% data present", "KMD Kenya_v03 dekadal climatologies rfe climatology", "KMD Kenya_v03 dekadal climatologies rfe", "Boxes with less than 0.0% dropped", "Averaged over T2[0.5, 1080.5] minimum 0.0% data present", "Averaged over T2=1981 minimum 0.0% data present"; Float32 missing_value NaN; } NC_GLOBAL { String Conventions "IRIDL"; } }